Wednesday, June 16, 2010

March 2010: Vera Lake and the Iditarod

We are a bit behind in our posts! Our goal is to catch up this week, but we'll see what happens. Here are some March highlights. Most of our weekends were spent in Willow, Alaska at the cabin. Here we are out on the lake, watching the Iditarod dogsled teams pass by: Calder loves his spoon:
Calder and Jen in front of their Anchorage home with over 5 feet of snow:
Zia Hulebak loving on Calder - can I keep him?
Calder in the cargo sled at the Vera Lake cabin:

Chris successfully chopped a hole through the ice, procuring us our water supply:
Part of the water being used for Calder's sink bath (warmed of course on the wood stove):
Out for a day ski:
Spring is near when you can enjoy a beer on the front porch:
Zia and Calder on a date at our house:
Dad showing Calder how to open his mouth wide for his food:
Uncle Trav, Calder, and Grandpa Hyer enjoying a sunny snowy afternoon at the cabin:
More sink bath time:

April pics to follow....

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