What does a group of family medicine residents in Alaska do to celebrate the completion of their first year of residency? They go camping! Every year, the Alaska Family Medicine Residency holds a camp-out. It ends up drawing about 100 people (residents, faculty, staff, and their families). Jen was in charge of much of the planning and shopping for this event (she's the class representative in the residency), which meant that Chris "volunteered" his help as well. He's such a good sport! The Saturday of the camping trip was spent on a strenuous 8 mile round-trip hike to the top of a mountain to the Harding Icefield. This ice field is 60 x 60 miles in size and over 3,000 feet thick. The day was amazingly sunny and we all ended up with sunburns (bad doctors!). See pics below...
Jen and Chris half-way to the top.

Chris showing what NOT to do.

A group of young Alaskan docs and their significant others.

Check out the line of people in the snow above - gives a good perspective.
Jen & Chris at the top. Notice the points (tippy tops) of mountains sticking out from the massive ice field. Those mountains are 3,000-4,000 feet tall and are encased in ice. The Natives call these exposed mountain tops "nunataks."

Intern year is behind us! 2nd year of residency involves less time in the hospital, more clinic time, fewer nights of call, less 30 hour shifts in the hospital, and new levels of responsibility (supervising the new interns). We also get more weekends off - more adventures to be had. Thanks to all those who have given their support and love through this first year of residency. Only 2 more years to go!
Congrats on getting that first year under your belt! :)
Oloha from Sunny Bethel. I just subcribed to your great blog. Hope is all is well. Keep in touch!
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