January- We went from a very snowy December into a big warm spell that made us think it was going to be Spring. Our snowman did not fare well but we enjoyed the warmer temperatures and were getting out on the boat a couple times a week, working our crab and shrimp pots really hard. The skis had nothing to fear though, and by the end of the month winter returned and things got unusually cold for around here. We ate lots of fresh crab and shrimp and filled the freezer with more. Calder is getting used to going out on the boat and is fascinated by the wildlife we see- eagles, sea birds, sea lions, etc. He loves getting out on the beach and throwing rocks. He's running and jumping around and his babbles sometimes even make sense, with added words everyday...more and more a little boy and less of a baby...it's happening quickly.
A nice warm day on Wrangell Narrows with the ferry Matanuska headed into Petersburg. This was the same ferry that we took from Haines when we moved to Petersburg last summer.
Jen, Calder and I went out on a blustery day and were only able to pull 1 of our 2 king pots and the shrimp pots as it was too rough. It was pretty high stress but we were rewarded big in a record number or shrimp (for us) and 3 species of crab- king, tanner, dungeness. That's a 5 gallon bucket nearly full of shrimp!