The weather was FANTASTIC, almost no rain and lots of sun. The whales were in full force, also traveling from Alaska to Hawaii for winter. Here's a pic of Jen on some funky volcanic rock:
We drove to the "end of the road" (past Makena) where there was a hike across a lava field that led to a black sand beach. We took a wrong turn and never did find the beach, but we did find an amazing coastline. We also saw this boat anchored...definately a cruising boat...which got us dreamin' ...
Funny how vacation brings out the exploring child in everyone....Jen, Chris, and Erik:

Erik and Chris grilled almost every night, from swordfish to scallops. Jen and Alice made pu-pu's (pronouned poo-poo's) - that's Hawaiin for appetitizers. We ate very well!
Jen and Chris at Haleakala Crator - the temperature dropped to the 40's and was rainy at the top. We went for a hike down into the crator. While in there, it started to thunder and the clouds poured in. It was eerie - was the volcano coming alive or was it just thunder?
We drove the famous HANA HIGHWAY with constant hairpin turns and over 50 one-lane bridges. We were on the road by 7am to enjoy the full day. Here are some highlights, from red and black beaches to waterfalls galore:

Last day in Hawaii...Erik, Alice, Jen, and Chris:
I think we'll go back :)